Best Tools to Learn in Adobe Premiere Pro Training in Delhi

Hello readers, Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the most popular and usable video editing software applications in the market. Whether you want to become a YouTuber or join any post-production house for career, Premiere Pro is must to learn. This tool is used by professionals as well as students. The best way to master it is by learning the its top tools. In this blog today, we will explore the list of best tools to learn in Adobe Premiere Pro training in Delhi.

Tools to Learn in Adobe Premiere Pro Training

Knowledge of Adobe Premiere Pro not only makes our video editing journey fluent but also enjoyable. It is because of its features & tools.

Here’s the list of top tools that you must learn: 

  • Selection Tool
  • Track select tool
  • Ripple edit tool
  • Razor tool
  • Slip tool
  • Pen tool
  • Rectangle tool
  • Hand tool 
  • Type tool
  • Rate Stretch tool

Before diving into the tools, let’s first explore the Premiere Pro’s workspace.

Workspace of Adobe Premiere Pro

If we see workspace of Premiere Pro, we will find main five important sections in it. Each section has different name and work to do. Below we have mentioned them:

  1. Project panel: Here we keep all media or clips to edit the video in separate folders or bins. It helps us in project management.
  2. Timeline panel: It is the most used area in the entire software application. Here we do all video editing part such as placing, cutting, merging and altering video or audio clips.
  3. Source panel: In source monitor we can see the actual footage before moving it to timeline for the editing
  4. Program panel: We can call it display of our editing. It shows whatever we edit in timeline. We can see in program monitor before final render easily.

Let’s jump on the tools now.

Top tools to learn in Premiere Pro Classes

1. Selection Tool: Hot key (V) is used for this tool and it helps in selecting & moving clips on timeline.

And it also used to move video frame in program monitor for motion effects such as move in move out for simple animation.

2. Track Select tool: There are two main tools like Track Select forward and Track Select backward. They help in selecting the multiple clips placed on multiple tracks all at once. And we can highlight multiple clips at once. All we need to do is use Keyboard Shortcut A to use these tools.

3. Ripple Edit tool: It help to increase or decrease the length of the footage without moving the timeline. Its hot key is B.

4. Razor tool: Its hot key is C. We use Razor to cut the clips on timeline by simply placing a play head over the footage. Just decide from where you need to cut the footage and use razor tool with left mouse click to cut the footage.

5. Slip tool:  Another useful tool is Slip which comes with a hot key Y. To use it, just click on the clip in the sequence timeline. Now simply drag the cursor from left to right or opposite. This will roll the clip forward or backward easily.

6. Pen tool: In order to draw any shape or mask, we use Pen tool in Premiere Pro. Its short cut key is P. This is one to the most useful tools in Premiere video editing training. We also use it for masking on the clips to create amazing transitions. With the help of pen tool, we can trace any are of video from where we want to hide or reveal.7. Rectangle tool: It is a shape tool which we have already seen in in our previous software such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. It is quite similar but here, we draw an object over footage or clips on program monitor. We use Essential Graphics panel to edit the appearance of the shape like changing its fill, stroke, or adding effects drop shadow and background. Another way to edit the appearance of the shape is to use the Effects Control area. Just like on FX icon on shape clip on timeline and it will quickly shift to the panel.

8. Hand tool: The hot key for hand is H. It is to hold the clip on the program monitor when clip is zoomed.

9. Type tool: With the help of type tool, we can easily type over clips. The shortcut key for type tool is T. We can also easily modify the text in text panel which is a part of Essential Graphics and same options are there in Effects Control.

10. Rate Stretch tool: We have rate stretch tool to easily reduce or increase the speed and duration of the selected clips on the timeline. Though we have Speed and Duration panel too in Premiere Pro. But using this tool, we can easily change the speed and duration by dragging the clips end points on the timeline. The shortcut key for Rate Stretch is R.

So, these are some of the main tools to learn in Premiere Pro training in Delhi. Our institute covers them all in the special classes on video editing. You can start your own training with our experts today. 

Thanks for reading.