Making a Pattern in Adobe Photoshop

Pattern Making in Photoshop
 Adobe Photoshop is the key application for each and every graphic designer, web designer, fashion designer, textile designer, animator etc. Photoshop plays an important role in image editing and creating highly creative and eye catchy graphics and visuals for print and electronic media. A good design is a combination of few elements like colors, shapes, text, images, and patterns.

What is a Pattern?

A pattern is an image that is repetitive or tiled when you use it to fill a layer or selection. Photoshop comes with several preset patterns.

You can make new patterns and save them in libraries for use with different tools and commands. Preset patterns are displayed in the pop-up panels in the options bar for the Paint Bucket, Pattern Stamp, Healing Brush, and Patch tools, as well as in the Layer Style dialog box. One can change how patterns are displayed in the pop-up panels by choosing a display option from the pop-up panel menu. The preset manager can be used for managing patterns.

How to create a Pattern?

New patterns in Adobe Photoshop can be created in just a few steps. All the designers and creative professionals from all the industries need good patterns to create powerful designs. So, they create and use patterns usually in Adobe Photoshop.

Step by step process:

Step 1. Go to file menu and select the new file (Ctrl+N) or for Mac (Command+N) and enter the given value on it and then click on OK button. You can give values in “Width” and “Height” fields depending upon your requirement.

Step 2. Select “Custom Shape” (see the below given image) or press U for a shortcut.

Step 3. Shapes can be selected from the drop-down and any shape from the custom shape picker can be selected. Draw the selected shape on the canvas.

Step 4. The drawn shape on the canvas could be a path, so use (Ctrl+Enter) to convert this path to a selection. Now create a new layer with (Ctrl+Shift+N) and fill black color in it by using Ctrl+Del or Alt+Del

Step 5. Next step is to create a selection of this shape. So, select the layer and click on layer thumbnail with Ctrl key.

Step 6. Go to the Image menu and select crop.

Step 7. After this hide the background layer by clicking on the eye option.

Step 8. Go to the Edit Menu and select “Define pattern” option to define the pattern which can be used anytime.

Step 9. Enter a name for the pattern in the Pattern Name dialog box and click on OK button to save this pattern. Rename it to something you can remember.

Step 10. The newly created patter is here to be used in any of the designs. Select pattern stamp tool from the tools panel to use it. Also, it can be used on a new canvas. The path for using the newly created pattern would be Edit -> Fill.

11. Select the newly created pattern and use it on a layer.